Avv. Giorgio Massarotto


Castelfranco Veneto, September 8th 1951.
Admitted to the Bar in 1979.
Counsel before the Supreme Court by 15.07.1993
University of Padua – CE.D.R, London, M.A.T.A London, Robert Kennedy College, Delemont (CH).
Civil and commercial law, industrial law, national and international ligation, mergers and acquisitions,  arbitration, national and international mediation.
Foreign Languages: English, French.
Notes: Legal mediator accredited by C.E.D.R., London.
Former member of the Curia Mercatorum contracts commission.
Arbitrator and mediator before the Mediation and Arbitration Chamber, Milan.
Reporter on mediation and A.D.R (alternative dispute resolution) methodology in the Masters in Business Administration, C.I.M.B.A., with its headquarters in Asolo, Villach e Lubiana.
Membership: I.B.A (International Bar Association), London; B.I.L.A (British, Italian law association), London; C.B.A.O (Canadian bar association -Ontario) Toronto, ADR Section; ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) Paris.